Monday, November 8, 2010

on a happy note.

my father-in-law and brother-in-law are finally back from papua new guinea after several weeks of hard work alongside martha wade.  i'm very proud of them and the things they've done on this trip, and also that this is their SECOND trip to png.  how amazing.  and i'm so thankful that i'm part of such a brave, caring, God-loving family, that is willing to take that love to the far reaches of the world.  speaking of which, my sister-in-law abby and brother-in-law pete (same one that went to png) are taking that love to ethiopia where they are adopting their baby.  they found out a couple of weeks ago that they are now officially on the waiting list and they were #37, so pray pray pray that they move quickly down that list as they get closer and closer to their little tiny. 
all these happy things make it a little easier to deal with the not-so-happies.  we are still weepy and missing otis, but the png team's arrival sure brightened our day.  and boy does my separated clavicle sure hurt, but it just doesn't seem so bad when i'm sitting in a living room full of giggly harbin babies eating homemade banana pudding.  thank you jesus for all these lovely things.